Defensive and Off-Road Driver Training
Road travel is an essential element of programme delivery for the vast majority of our clients.
According to recent data 40% of fatalities on the road are work related, and 60% of work accidents resulting in death are due to road crashes.
Beyond road safety concerns, the road is also the location for the majority of security incidents targeting aid workers around the world.
We have developed our driver training programme to equip those in command of 4-wheel drive vehicles with the skills to drive safely in a range of on and off-road conditions.
From our training centre near London (UK) and from locations of your choice globally, we offer 1 and 2 day courses in Defensive and Off Road Driving Safety.
Using ILS’ fleet of Land Cruisers in the UK (or in your vehicles elsewhere) participants spend time receiving formal tuition from our specialist Driver Safety Instructors. They will receive practical experience on a variety of road types, as well as across fields and woodland, and on ILS' extensive, off-road driving course.
Topics covered on the courses include:
• Vehicle Security • Vehicle Safety inspections and Maintenance • Vehicle Dynamic and Functionality • Movement planning and communications • Driver awareness • Defensive driving techniques • 2-4 wheel functionality and low - high gear ratio • Vehicle recovery • Off road terrain • Handling, cornering and braking • Confidence at speed •